Did you know that Stephen King dreamed the entire plot of ‘Misery’ on a plane?
If you’ve ever been unable to put a great book down, you know how easy it is to get lost in a story. The interesting characters, the fascinating plot points, and enthralling description can keep you turning page after page. Authors work very hard to craft compelling stories that their readers will not only enjoy, but love. For many this takes years of hard work and planning. It may even mean hundreds of rejections, thousands of edits and loads of re-writing. For a lucky few, however, they don’t have to work so hard at all.
Authors of famous books like Frankenstein and Jane Eyre claim to have come up with the ideas for their novels in their dreams. And these aren’t the only cases, either. You’d be surprised how many famous books throughout history began as dreams. It makes sense. Dreams are often a reflection of what we most often think about, so it makes sense that authors who are trying to come up with fresh ideas and unique twists might have their best epiphanies in their dreams.