It just occurred to me today. Running your own business, you try to optimize the hell out of everything to make as much use of your time as possible. Employees on the other hand, wish to be as unproductive as possible. But i have to say, I still don’t understand… Read more“On Producitivity and running your own business”
Intercepting USSD calls in Android
Dialing a USSD code from a custom activity is straight forward using a DIAL or CALL intent, but listening to the returned result is not due to Android not having proper support for intercepting USSD calls within the platform, but partial though undocumented support exists within the native dialer application…. Read more“Intercepting USSD calls in Android”
#barcamp-lebanon Conclusion
BarCamp-Lebanon was great yesterday. Met some interesting people. Attended some interesting sessions(except for the 3rd one which was a waste of my time, notice no coverage) and was surprised at the abundance of geeks and geekets attending. And speaking of things that were good, that veggie pizza was great…. We… Read more“#barcamp-lebanon Conclusion”
On NDAs and My NDA Policy
discusses Non-Disclosure Agreements and how the author has decided to react to it. I think it is brilliant. Also of interest are the other linked articles such as My stance on NDAs is that i only sign specific ones that actually relate to confidential information. And i only do that… Read more“On NDAs and My NDA Policy”
On Adobe Flex and dynamic websites
I still get a lot of searches and hits on my “Mytube” page as well as some inquires by mail…which tells me two things. One is that people still do not fully understand how to fully use flex and the other is that RIAs are pretty popular these days. To… Read more“On Adobe Flex and dynamic websites”
My bzr Workflow
Michael Ivey recently wrote about his git work flow over at and it turned out to be a pretty useful article and was just the encouragement that i needed to blog about my own experience. Although I’ve used git before, I much rather use bzr whenever possible. I’m not into… Read more“My bzr Workflow”
Samples initially sent by the consultant don’t loo…
Samples initially sent by the consultant don’t look anything like the HL7 messages sent by the system.What part of sample don’t u understand
On being funny
I just heard about a project that uses WhatsUp, which is sort of an uptime server or network monitoring service. I couldn’t help but imagine how the SMS alerts would go.“You wanna know what’s up? Not your server that’s what’s up.” Weak, i know…Some more meaty posts on the way.
Let’s implement one more
We’re going to have 3(yes, 3) applications that implement the same charging feature, each with its own set of bugs. At least those are the 3 that i know about. But hey, why stop there….let’s implement a couple more. Oh yeah, and say it with me folks. Its called Inter-process… Read more“Let’s implement one more”
Bomb Maker Gnome Applet Released
I finally got around to releasing the BombMaker Gnome applet that i blogged about. I’ll share with you a little secret, I’ve actually been using it for the past 6 months or so. I even learned to package debian packages just so that i can release it.(manually installing gnome applets… Read more“Bomb Maker Gnome Applet Released”